Published By PMW on 22 October 2018 11:56:20
Staggering new research has revealed that the younger generation aren’t just a risk on unfamiliar roads – they are also just as likely to have an accident on the road they live on.
Figures compiled by us here at Prestige Motor Warehouse, have alarmingly shown that an incredible 44 per cent of 18-34 year olds have written their car off on the street they actually reside at!
The news will not go down well with parents who already have a fear of their young ones on unfamiliar roads.
The younger generations are already the most prone to write-offs in the UK with 18-34 year olds twice as likely to have their car written off than drivers aged 55 and over.
And the statistics are even less appealing for parents who have a son as men are twice more likely to be at fault for a collision with another car than women.
Men aged under 25 are almost twice (82 per cent) as likely to have a car written off than any other age group, with one in 45 young male drivers having written a car off.
With around 32 million cars on the UK’s roads almost 384,000 vehicles were written off last year, amounting to over 1,000 every day – or an incredible one every 90 seconds.
Across all age groups, the data shows that men are more likely to be involved in an accident leaving their car beyond repair, with men accounting for 57 per cent of write-offs every year and women being involved in 42 per cent of incidents.
An estimated 34,000 insurance claims were made on newer vehicles with the average claim value standing at just under £10,000.
Here at PMW, we believe that drivers in familiar surroundings ‘almost switch to autopilot’.
When you get over familiar with a road, your concentration can become less. This is happening in the local areas of young drivers who seem to be having issues with crashing their cars on their own roads. It’s incredible – but true!
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